So deep brah

So deep brah
Dat guy right dere!

As it was

On this journey I hope for many things: Adventure, challenge, self development and discovery, the expansion of my mind and soul and the meeting of a thousand interesting new faces. I aim to experience the true spirit of America, to allow myself to be separated from the people, possessions and places I rely on and am comfortable with, as well as the soul-killing domestication that is our nine to five, technology reliant, information overloaded, materialistic culture. I'm going to be out there discovering what is real, what It means to truly live, to meet with God in the beauty of his creation, and to do some measure of good for everyone I meet on my travels and adventures. I have no money. Lil' crazy? Probably.

I intend to challenge the convention that one requires a source of income more consistent than freelance busking, busing, farming and charming to sustain a happy life, let alone to travel. The less I own, the more I hope to have. Moreover, without the obligations and responsibilities that come with an abundance of material possessions (job, taxes, insurance, bills, etc) I hope to find what these things often get in the way of. What really matters.

I believe travel is one of the most important facets of the fulfillment of the human soul. They say home is where the heart is and my heart lies over the horizon. Thus I follow in the footsteps of my inspirations before me, wandering warriors and wordsmiths and painters and philosophers; John Muir, Miyamoto Musashi, Vincent Van Gough, Robert Burns, Gandalf and Christopher McCandless just to name a few.
As far as trivial matters such as food and shelter are concerned, I will be couchsurfing, camping, farm-working, foraging for mushrooms and berries and edible plants, fishing, hunting (lil' critters), street performing, praying and improvising. Whatsoever I can do short of crack dealing and exotic dancing I shall.

So anyway. Yeah. There it is. My blog. Read it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Into the West/Up to the Mountains

I stood at dusk by an on ramp by a tiny Montana hamlet.  It was Sunday and beginning to become too dark for hitchhiking when, out of the blue, the noisiest contraption on four wheels